by geegee

I'm going to my friends sleepover on saturday, and we're going to have a prank war. there's 6 people going, so 3 on each team. one problem... they already have 45 pranks!! my team only have 6. we're doing it in her garden because she has 2 and a half acres of land. so i need some ideas for outside pranks. please help! and yes they can involve a bit of pain :p

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Oct 18, 2014
Try it
by: Awsome Pranker

Put tooth paste on there faces and then get a fan and so flour or feathers put on the fan and then while there sleeping turn on the fan and some sticky stuff will be on there face

Jan 18, 2012
Ur Welcome
by: Sarah

U should put chewed gum in there shoes. And when they r looking for u to play a prank on u, hide, and then scare them. And u should fill like 6 water ballons and each person on ur team gets 2, and when you get a chance, chuck them at the other team!!!! Hope ur team wins :)

Jul 16, 2011
Down down down the hole!
by: Alana

Well get one of your team mates to distraked the other team befor the prank wor whie you and your other team mates dig a hole.Then get lots of skiny twigs, put them over the hole and then put lots of leavs on the twigs.when the prank war stars,get one of your team mates to tell the other team where the balngris are, then they have to step over the hole so the other team falls in and you can get ready for your next prank while the other team try to get out!

May 26, 2011
shower powerr
by: Anonymous

okay so if one of them takes a shower get a cup of flour and pour it on them!!! (while in the shower)

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