kill the teacher!

by loopoop

this is a pic or i coulednt do my prank

this is a pic or i coulednt do my prank

bring a polished fake knife were it goes in when stabbed.
put some red food coloring in hull of the fake knife.
here is how to do it:
at break try to stay in, if that fails do it in golden time
or were you can do anything. go up to the teacher and use the fake knife on him/her. the food coloring should scare him/her
because it is red for blood. walk away like nothing happened
if you put extra food coloring in it should go on the teachers shirt and nothing will happen...

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Nov 24, 2014
Could be dangerous
by: Damien

This could be dangerous depending on the level of security in your school. I don't recommend you play this on your teacher. It might be safer pretend to have stabbed your self, or a consenting friend instead.

In the end, I don't recommend that anyone play this prank at school.

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