by Luke
I'm fed up with my mum going on my laptop so here's what I did: I turn the volume up full pelt-incase she listens to my music. Then I saved a naked women as my background. That must have scared her. obviously she has to come into my room to get to my laptop so I put cooking oil on my doorknob so it was too slippery to open. I hid my laptop under my bed (you can hide it anywhere else) and filled my laptop bag with jelly milk and all sorts of gunk. Obviously it has to be washed but that's worth it! She stuck her hand right in there...she got a nasty surprise. Gunge pranks are always the best. She got one back on me though. Lets just say, Mum got cling film and stuck it over the toilet. Then I went to the toilet.
It wasn't pretty!!
Oh and I put salt in her drink.
Damien: Sweet prank combos, Luke. Especially the gunk in the laptop bag ^_^
Dec 18, 18 02:03 PM
Dec 18, 18 02:03 PM
Dec 18, 18 02:02 PM