School Prank Bundle

by Alisha p

Some pranks i played in 5th grade.

Whiteboard Wipe off.

at your first time off learning (in my school we say break) or when your sitting down if the board says something like R.e wipe off a line to make it P.e.


start a random conversation with someone, when everyone turns to look at someone else replying, hide there book somewhere ( my school have trays on tables, its the best spot for any books)!

When someone is about to enter class late, lock the door when they arent looking and put a sign saying out of order. laugh when they have to go up to the office to say they're here.


ask your mum if they can put apple juice as your drink.
pour it all over an area (Swimming pools and toilets work well).

Truth or dare fun.

You'll need a gang for this, bring in apple juice and an lemon drop (liquid) Play a game of truth or dare with your gang and your victim(s). Dare your gang member to pee in a cup, they will go to the bathroom and pour apple juice in a cup (best put it in a drinks bottle before you put in cup) if you want put a hint of lemon in the apple juice, when they come out they should drink it. do this with everybody in your class for extra laughs.

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