Secret Note Prank

by Annie
(San Francisco, California, U.S.A.)

So my friend really liked this guy but he's a total jerk (but she never believed us) he was the kind of guy who kicks girls and pulls their hair, etc., etc. and so the other day he got his phone taken away and called her a stalker and such and she's really upset. So i told her that i would prank him somehow and heres what i came up with:

1. Get a piece of paper and decorate it with your friend's name (the one who wants revenge) and all sorts of little hearts and doodles that u draw when you like someone

2. Fold it up into a little square and right the person's (the one you are getting revenge on) name on it in a girly handwriting if your getting revenge on a girl or a messy guy handwriting for a guy

3. Casually drop the paper in a big crowd where no one will notice if u drop something or put anything on the ground (this part is key because you don't want someone to try and give it to you).

4. Most likely, somebody will find the paper and return it to the person you're getting revenge on, and everyone will think they like person A, your friend.

We haven't tried it yet but I bet it will work! (unless the person you are getting revenge on is a snitch. then godspeed my friend)

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