by kamryn
(sana anto nio tx 78223)
want to get your mom? possibly your vicious dad too? Well here's a prank for your mom. Oh fancy dress there mom! Okay you got past sweet and innocent, now comes evil! When your mom is getting ready doing whatever, go into her room and get her dress. When you get her dress take it to your room. After taking the dress, go to the kitchen and get these ingredients: honey, peas, and mashed potatoes. them mash 'em up good then take it to your room. Then you get your moms dress and out it in your moms chest area then go wash your hands. After that get your moms dress and carefully put it on her bed then when she getting dressed wait for the shriek of disaster!
Dec 18, 18 02:03 PM
Dec 18, 18 02:03 PM
Dec 18, 18 02:02 PM