by Jim
(Chicago, Illinois,USA)
You need 2 or 3 people w/vehicles, now it's a Good Idea to call in sick on the day that you & you buddies do this, so, that you won't be around when it happened, cus' you gotta remember, you & your friends are the ones that are gonna do it, now, depending on how your school is laid-out is how your gonna make you have to figure-out what your "hall route" is gonna be. Now sometime during lunchtime have your buddies drive you to school,cus' you gotta remember, earlier in the morning you called in sick, go to a gym door & go inside & go to your locker, strip-off "All Your Clothes" & "only put-on jock-straps & Ski Masks" in the meantime your buddies in the parking lots should have moved their cars to an escape door, & basically "streak thru the hallways, thru the lunchroom & out a door where you should have cars waiting for you, & make sure that you have spare clothes in a car trunk, so you can maybe stop-off & put'em on, now, just make sure you have a trustworthy friend or maybe someones brother that's already graduated, so that you don't get "ditched/stuck" at school in your "birthday suits"
Dec 18, 18 02:03 PM
Dec 18, 18 02:03 PM
Dec 18, 18 02:02 PM