by Mariam
(Michigan United States Dearborn)
What you will need to do this prank is makeup the makeup you need is blush that is a little bit darker then your skin color and then eye shadow that is black and then you need a pink blush that has to be really bright or red blush so what you'll need to do is grab the blush and put it on your hand and then grab the eye shadow and put it just in the middle of the blush and then rub it after that you grab the pink or red blush and put a little bit in the middle of the eyeshadow and rub it then you can go tell someone that someone punched you in the hand and fake cry or put water on your face for tears and if you want you can put ketchup or something as blood you can
Dec 18, 18 02:03 PM
Dec 18, 18 02:03 PM
Dec 18, 18 02:02 PM