Works on HEAVY Sleepers

by Artemis

So when your friend is asleep, duct tape their hands and legs together, as a precaution in case the next step wakes them. Put them on a chair and tie them to the chair, then wake them by putting ice cubes down their back, pants and shirt. They will be be in shock, cold and horror as they struggle for the ice cubes. Next, if you have more than one person, say you'll only release them if they do whatever you say the rest of the sleepover, and that if they disobey you'll tie them up again and more ice cubes. Have fun controlling your friend, forcing her to get you drinks, food or whatever you want!

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Apr 28, 2017
Soaking diaper
by: Francisco

Turns out that if you are doing little brothers just stick chucks of ice in the diaper

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